Last updated Jul 23, 2024 and written by Admin

Company Formation Owners Still Believe in the Power of Print

As the Internet Advertising Bureau announces figures indicating the increase of online media and a greater proportion of big brand’s advertising spend continues to go on digital marketing rather than traditional media, you would forgiven for think that advertising offline, especially via a print medium, is all but dead.

However, a recent report has revealed that many company formation owners still rely heavily on print media to build brand awareness and deliver targeted results. But why? We ask Patrick Fielding, CEO of marketing company ‘Direct Response’ why he thinks that print media should still play a vital role in any marketing campaign;

“Most people have grown up with online advertising. They expect to be served adverts directly on to their PC as the surf the web. However, from the feedback I have received from my client despite the fact that online spending continues to increase, its results are being compromised by the increase sophistication of the internet user; they no longer want their personal online experience to be compromised and subsequently marketers are having to become much more clever if they want to get their message across.”

“And that’s where print media comes in. The power of editorial is still as strong today as it ever has been. While circulation figures are down from previous months, I can never envision a time when print media won’t play a significant part in marketing spend.