Last updated Jul 23, 2024 and written by Admin

So What Can I call My Company?

Last month we told you about the new rules in regards to new Company Names Here we’re going to go into more detail so you know exactly what you can and can’t call your company.

The first thing to do is check the name availability using the Companies House Web Check. You can find that here.

This is a vital step, if the name you want appears on the search then the name is already taken; it’s time to come up with another name.

The next thing to consider is “are there any similar names out there?” Using the Web Check again take a look and see if there are any names remotely similar. For example Mynewcompany Ltd may appear to be available but if there’s already a Mynewcompany Services Ltd the new formation will be rejected. The same goes for any other words that may succeed the main name such as Group, Holdings, Company etc.

The final step to be considered is, does the company name contain a reserved word? Reserved words are words that require you to meet a specific need in order to use them. For example, you can’t form a company with the word “Group” in it unless the company being formed will have a parent or subsidiary relationship with at least two other companies.

Reserved words can range from anything such as the above to the loftier “British” or even “Royal”. For more information on reserved words and what you need to do or who you need to contact to use the word click here.

As long as you stick to these guidelines you shouldn’t have any problems coming up with a unique name that suits you and your business needs. Good Luck!