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  • December 4, 2023 by Aditi Mohan

    What's Your Motivation For Company Formation

    There is very little that dampens the entrepreneurial spirit of the UK – as the rise in company formation figures demonstrates. Historically, it was widely perceived that financial reward was the fundamental motivation for most budding entrepreneurs. However, a recent […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    So What Can I call My Company?

    Last month we told you about the new rules in regards to new Company Names. Here we’re going to go into more detail so you know exactly what you can and can’t call your company.

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Economic Growth Remains Anemic

    When the government first announced the country had emerged from what had been the worst economic downturn for sometime, it was expected that growth would be slow; however, as reports from the first quarter of the year have come in, it appears that growth is even more anemic than expected. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    2010 Election – the Reaction of Company Formation Owners

    This general election was arguably one of the most interesting we have seen in a number of years – as indicated by the fact that the number of people who voted has risen enormously. It also marked many new developments in UK politics – namely its increasingly ‘presidential’ style and introduction of televised debates – […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    Company Formation Owners Plan to Invest

    As the coalition government announces its plans to cut public spending by six billion pounds, by significantly reducing the money it spends on the Civil Service, it seems that the small business and company formation sector aren’t going to follow suit. Indeed if recent figures, which clearly state that investment in small business has risen […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    SME and Company Formation Sector Set to Grow

    Since the recession began, you couldn’t open a paper or switch on the television without being confronted by some story proclaiming the death of the small business and company formation sector. And, let face it, small businesses have undoubtedly been at the front line of the recession. However, are thing about to get a whole […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    Company Formation Owners Still Believe in the Power of Print

    As the Internet Advertising Bureau announces figures indicating the increase of online media and a greater proportion of big brand’s advertising spend continues to go on digital marketing rather than traditional media, you would forgiven for think that advertising offline, especially via a print medium, is all but dead. However, a recent report has revealed […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    Company Formation Report Reveals Manufacturing Uplift

    While it may seem like the general election was a long time ago, it is important the electorate does not forget the policies each political party pledged to implement if they got voted into power. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    I’m registered for PROOF but I no longer have access to my registered office. What do I do?

    A few weeks ago we blogged about PROOF, the Companies House fraud protection service. In short PROOF means that everything for your company must be filed online. Companies House stop accepting paper forms for your company. Therefore, if your company is signed up for PROOF, having access to your registered office is […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    UK Limited Company Registered Office – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland & Wales

    Last Updated: 05/09/2014 There are some limitations on a UK limited company’s registered office regarding changes to the address. If a company is formed with a registered office in England, all future registered offices must be based in either England or Wales. This is the same for a company formed in Wales. A company formed […]

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