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  • December 4, 2023 by Lauren Felstead

    Entrepreneurs and their Holidays

    If you’re a small business owner it’s likely that you don’t take a break as often as you should. CITY AM reported that half of the UK’s business owners take less than six days off a year, ‘with one in five taking no time off at all’. Whilst it’s easy to see why business owners are […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    7 reasons to incorporate companies with Companies MadeSimple

    As an accountant you’re not short on choice when it comes to forming companies for your clients. However, there’s only one company incorporation service accredited by ICAEW; Companies MadeSimple. In this article we’re sharing seven reasons why forming and administering your limited companies with ICAEW’s preferred registration agent makes your life… simple. (And there’s […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Ben Cowcill

    Why 2018 is the year to start your production company

    Starting a production company used to be right up there with becoming an astronaut or rock star as one of those fantasy careers that mums and dads would gently dissuade their children from pursuing. Established production companies were simply too dominant, the opportunities too few and the costs too high for new companies to have […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Lauren Felstead

    Startup Story with Chloe Salmons, from Glam By Coco

    We’re often told to ‘follow your passion’ and ‘chase your dreams’, but how many of us are surrounded by doubt when it comes to running a business? Spoiler – a lot! Chloe Salmons, founder of Glam By Coco, felt the same. But she decided to go for it anyway. Here we chat to her about […]

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