Last updated Jul 22, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

How to Register for Companies House WebFiling

Last Updated: 21/08/2014

Once you have completed the company formation process with us your company is automatically registered for Companies House WebFiling. You, however, are not yet registered for WebFiling.

To register yourself click here and choose the “Register” option. You then follow a three step process:

1. “Apply for a security code”

This first step just requires you to enter and then confirm your email address.

2. “Apply for an authentication code”

As part of the registration process Companies House want you to apply for an authentication code even though your company already has one. Go ahead and enter your Company information, when you click “continue” you will be directed onto step 3.

3. “Confirm your registration”

The first thing you will notice here is the following text “An authentication code will NOT be issued as a result of this application. An authentication code for xxxxxx already exists and was previously posted to the Registered Office Address”.

This is not a rejection note, simply ignore this and choose the “submit” option.

If you now check your emails you will find that the security code has been emailed to you. You can now “sign in” here.