Last updated Jul 23, 2024 and written by Colleen Tillet

Changing your Company Name: Sensitive Words

Does your new company name include ‘Sensitive’ words?

Changing your company name is quick and simple with most changes being processed online within 3 working hours.


However, if your new proposed company name includes a “sensitive” or “reserved” word, the application can not be completed online and must be processed via the paper method (and include supporting documentation / additional information regarding the sensitive word). This obviously prolongs the processing time.

Examples of these words include:

• Group
• International
• Holdings
• Association
• Federation

A complete list of these words and the rules that apply to them can be found here.

So how do you change your company name if it includes one of these words?

Easy – follow these steps and we will get it done for you:

1) Order the name change service.
2) Reply to the confirmation email, telling our team your proposed company name.
3) We will email you back with details on the required supporting documentation along with the NM01 change of name form. If we can, we will supply you with a template.
4) Complete the forms and supporting documentation and post them back to us.
5) We will handle the rest.

If you have any questions regarding this process, contact us or leave a comment on this post and we’ll be in touch.