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Credit Check Please

You’ve received numerous emails relating to cheap Company Credit Checks but never taken any notice. It’s time you re-evaluated this stance though as Credit Checks can prove a vital tool in the success of your company.
What is a Company Credit Check?
It’s a detailed report on a company including details of:
• Who owns (shareholders) and runs (directors & secretaries) the company
• Annual accounts data (profit and loss, balance sheets etc)
• Event history (dates for: filing of accounts & returns, appointments & resignations)
• County Court Judgements (CCJs)
• Mortgages
• Credit Rating & Limit (The higher the number the more ‘creditworthy’ the company)
Why would you use a Company Credit Check?
• Checking credit history, or the credibility of new suppliers or customers
• Researching competitors
• Assessing joint ventures or new business partnerships
• Seeing how others see you – check your own company credit report
There’s no better time to put the above into practice! Our company credit check can help you gain valuable insight, try it now.