Last updated Aug 07, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

Credit Check Please

You’ve received numerous emails relating to cheap Company Credit Checks but never taken any notice. It’s time you re-evaluated this stance though as Credit Checks can prove a vital tool in the success of your company.

What is a Company Credit Check?

It’s a detailed report on a company including details of:
• Who owns (shareholders) and runs (directors & secretaries) the company
• Annual accounts data (profit and loss, balance sheets etc)
• Event history (dates for: filing of accounts & returns, appointments & resignations)
• County Court Judgements (CCJs)
• Mortgages
• Credit Rating & Limit (The higher the number the more ‘creditworthy’ the company)

Why would you use a Company Credit Check?

• Checking credit history, or the credibility of new suppliers or customers
• Researching competitors
• Assessing joint ventures or new business partnerships
• Seeing how others see you  – check your own company credit report

There’s no better time to put the above into practice! Our company credit check can help you gain valuable insight, try it now.