Last updated Aug 02, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

The Director: Appoint, Resign & Edit

You can carry out various admin tasks for your limited company via our online admin portal. This includes Director changes such as:

Appointing New Directors

To add a new Director simply select “Appoint New Director”. You are then prompted to fill in the new director’s information (name, date of birth, nationality, occupation, residential address and service address). Once all the information has been entered click “Continue”. Your director appointment request is then sent to Companies House where it’s normally accepted within just 3 working hours. Once the appointment is accepted the new director will appear under the “Directors” heading.

Resigning Current Directors

To resign a current Director select “Resign” next to the relevant Director. You are then prompted to enter the date of resignation. Once this has been entered click “Submit”. The resignation request is then sent to Companies House where it is normally accepted within 3 working hours.

Editing Current Director Information

You can update information about existing Directors by selecting the “Edit” link next to the relevant Director. To make a change tick the “Change” box, you can then update the Director’s name, service address and residential address. When the requested changes have been made select “Save”. The changes are then reviewed by Companies House and normally accepted within 3 working hours.