Last updated Aug 20, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

What mail can you expect to receive at your Registered Office?

The Registered Office is the official address for a limited company. Despite this, company directors (or anyone else from the company) need not be based at the Registered Office – just as long as any government mail that arrives at the address is then forwarded to the directors. So we know that official, government mail is sent to the address, but what else can you expect to receive?

Because the Registered Office is on the public register, anyone can find it out. This opens you up to receive all types of mail; the important mail that we’ve already mentioned (stuff like HMRC and Companies House), mail from contacts (possibly) and junk mail. There have even been cases of scam letters being sent to the Registered Office.

Unfortunately junk mail and (to some extent) scam mail is inevitable, it’s simply because the address is on the public register. It does not mean that your details have been sold onto a third party.

At Company Formation MadeSimple we offer a Registered Office service that allows you to use our address (20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU) as your limited company’s Registered Office. Not only does this protect your private address from the public register, it also acts as a handy junk mail filter, as we’ll only forward on the official government mail (at no charge to you).

Interested in finding out more about the service? Take a look here:

Company Formation MadeSimple Registered Office service